Web pages use JPEG or GIF pictures. ProView works with these and with PICT and Photoshop‚Ñ¢ format pictures. ProView will convert and compress PICT and Photoshop‚Ñ¢ images for you during the website creation. GIF pictures will be copied as is.
If a picture is clickable in a ProView project, it will be clickable on the website if the action is supported. (It will not auto highlight, however.)
Actions supported for the pictures are the same as the actions for the hot spots. (See “Hot Spots.”)
Background Pictures
On webpages pictures are not allowed to be placed over other pictures except for the background picture. The background picture also is “tiled” (repeated as a pattern) across your web page.
In order for a picture on a page to be recognized as a background picture when creating the website, “Tile Background Picture” must be on. The background picture always starts at the upper left-hand corner and may have pictures over it.
By using a “Tile Background Picture” feature on a master page, all pages linked to that master page will display the same tiled background picture.
GIFs - Transparency and Animations
ProView allows you to include GIFs in your project files. GIF Animations will only be visible when viewed through your web browser and will appear as a single GIF image in both your project file and finished ProViewers.
Transparent GIFs will work accordingly when viewed in a browser; however, they will not appear transparent in your project file or in your finished ProViewer.